In a survey of child domestic workers in Delhi, save the children found that many schools serving the poor were of such low quality that the expected return on education was not equal to the sacrifice of income made during school years. 拯救儿童组织在德里做过一次关于家庭童工的调查,发现很多为穷人服务的学校教学质量低下,以致于教育的预期回报还抵不上上学期间牺牲的收入。
When we do not feel that we are someone's natural or equal partner, we give ourself up to be used, which then has us feel hurt, or in sacrifice. 当我们不觉得我们是某些人的自然的伙伴或者平等的伙伴,我们便是把自己放到被人利用的位置上。所以往后我们便会感到受伤,或者在牺牲。
In the last thirty years of rapid economic growth process, equal social treatment of two generations of peasant-worker, to make a great sacrifice, but for our country s economic and industrial development to make an irreplaceable contribution. 在中国持续三十多年的高速经济增长过程中,两代农民工享受着不平等的社会待遇,做出了巨大牺牲,为我国的经济产业发展做出了不可替代的贡献。